Substance Abuse-The million dollar question, but very few people know the answer
Substance abuse is taking the lives of thousands of people across the nation with many of them right here in southern Oregon. It’s not someone else’s problem or one that is going to go away soon. For many of us, it’s as close as our group of friends or even in our own homes.
The question remains and a lot of people are asking it, especially if a family member or someone they know is addicted to drugs. There’s no easy answer, but there are indicators that you or someone you know may be at risk for substance abuse.
Psychological disorders
It’s a known fact that those suffering from a variety of psychological disorders often have a propensity to become addicted to drugs. Those who have been diagnosed with anxiety, bi-polar, depression, and other psychological disorders are often at risk. Many addicts describe the progression into addiction as an attempt to self-medicate
the uncomfortable symptoms of a disorder they suffer from. The desire to escape an unpleasant reality opens the door to the temporary relief some illegal substances offer until the addiction becomes a problem of its own.
In some cases, people seem to have inherited an “addictive personality.” Trying an illegal substance triggers an almost automatic addiction process which soon becomes extremely difficult to back out of. We are still chasing that elusive gene and someday may be able to successfully treat it.
Social pressure
The use of illegal substances is in some circles an expected past-time. If you are around those using these substances, there is a strong likelihood you will eventually be lured into the activity. Many present addicts assumed they were above the pull of peer pressure but discovered too late they were not.
Legitimate prescriptions
There is a modern trend to curb the use of legitimate opioids due to the addictive physical characteristics of these painkillers. Medications that once were prescribed as a matter of course for anything from a headache to a broken back are now thankfully more difficult to obtain. Thousands of people across the country have found themselves addicted to prescribed opioids when they had no intention of abusing them. They may not even know what the cause of the withdrawal symptoms was when their prescriptions ran out but some figure it out and start to use these drugs illegally.
The Dare Takers
Some who are at risk of substance abuse are looking for the next big thrill and if drugs promise what they’re looking for, they’re on board. Many people use drugs recreationally with seemingly no difficulty in doing without them, but some don’t.
If some of this sounds a little too familiar and you fear you are at risk for substance abuse, talk to someone. Counselors at Kolpia Counseling Services will be glad to talk with you. Call 541-482-1718 to get started.
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